I've been meaning to put this on here for a while..but never make the time..it's much more fun to sit and stare at Mya instead of writing about her!
Anyway, I was due 3/30, and that day came and went. At my appointment on 3/31, I had still not dilated AT ALL...I was a little upset when we left because my body wasn't cooperating, but in the back of my head I knew a c-section was possible because I have a sister that doesn't dilate. So we talked everything over with the Dr. because the baby was already measuring 8+ lbs, I really didn't want to go more than 1 week past my due date. Unfortunately my Dr. told us he was going to be out of town all that next week and the best he could do was start me on Saturday 4/3.
Saturday 4/3 - last belly shot -
We got to the hospital at 9pm and filled out a bunch of paper work, changed into the fun gown, then I was hooked up to an IV, and monitors were strapped on my belly. At 10pm they put a little pill on my cervix to try to make me go into labor and dilate. I was told this would make me feel mild to moderate cramps...all night the most I felt were VERY mild cramps, so I was worried nothing was changing.This was how we spent the rest of our night...
Through out the night we heard SEVERAL other babies being born, between moms screaming and babies making their grand entrance, we didn't get a whole lot of sleep. We also got to hear our babies heart beat all night while I was hooked up to the monitors. This was the screen we watched all night, top is the babies heart rate and the bottom are my contractions, or lack there of...apparently there were some contractions, but I wasn't feeling anything...
The following morning 4/4 around 9, my Dr. came in and checked me, I was at a 1/2 centimeter...as feared, the pill really didn't change anything. He wanted to strip my membranes, and in the process, he ended up breaking my water. So I got cleaned up, and then came the pitosin... It wasn't bad the first 4 hours, just cramping in my lower abdomen...they had continually come in and upped the dosage every half hour, finally at 1pm my Dr. checked me again and said I was at 1 centimeter, he said that if I'm not at a 3 by 4:00, we were going to have to resort to a c-section. So they upped the pitosin some more and finally I was DYING...the contractions stayed in my lower abdomen, but moved into my back too. The last hour was excruciating (I hadn't taken any drugs or had an epidural) When the Dr. came in at 4, I was in tears...I had already decided that even if I was at a 3, the epidural was next. He checked me and I was at 1.5 centimeters....after 6 hours of pitosin and only getting to a 1.5, I was frustrated. We decided to go with the c-section. We were a little nervous, not really feeling prepared for it, but Jared gave me a very nice blessing and then we got ready and went down to the O.R.
Here is Jared in his get-up...
Here I am nice and numb on the table. When we went in, I was shaking. They layered the top of me with warm blankets..it didn't really help..I shook the entire time and my shoulders started hurting REALLY bad, they said it's because they were pushing so hard on my diaphram a lot of air was being pushed up and settled in my shoulders.
So about 20-30 mins after they started we finally heard the greatest sound..screaming baby.. Ü Automatically I ask them what the gender is and they tell me I'm a proud mother of a head..they hadn't pulled the baby all the way out yet. After about a minute they announced we have a baby GIRL! The Dr. came around and showed her to me then took her over to get suctioned, cleaned up and weighed. Here are a few shots right after she was born (5:10pm) :
I couldn't believe all that hair!
Here is a little video of her being suctioned, It's amazing what they do to babies right after they're born...poor thing...but it was nice to hear her scream while I was behind the curtain and didn't get to see anything.
Lucky Jared got to hold her for almost an hour before I did. At least I got to lay and stare at her while I was being stitched up.
Here I am back in the room to "recover" and finally get to hold my baby girl.
We were transferred up to our postpartum room and Jared took her to get her first real bath in the nursery (I was still too numb to go with...dang c-section) Here are a few more shots:
He also changed her first diaper:
Back in our room now.
First family picture.
First poopy diaper, looked more like a slug...
She had a tiny bit of jaundice, not enough that they put her under the lights, but they suggested we lay her in the sun a little bit each day.
Going home outfit - - barely fit her, this is a newborn size - - 5-8lbs! She was 8.4, so she only wore it a couple times.
Since being home, things have gone really good. Mya is such a good baby! I've had a really good recovery, and I feel just about normal. Mya sleeps super good at night, I've only woken up with her maybe 4 times the entire time we've been home. We try to put her down between 10-10:30 and she will sleep until 4-6, sometimes we've had to wake her up! So we feel very lucky that she is such a good baby. We sure love her and can't get enough of her. So glad we finally decided to have a baby, can't imagine life with out her!!!
Now that I've got the hang of this blog stuff, I'll definitely try to update it often so you can see how big our baby is getting. Can't believe she's already 5 weeks old...time is going by too quickly!!!